June 16, 2013

Writeus Interruptus

A funny thing happened on my way to having a blog.
I stopped writing. And I don't just mean the blog, I consider myself a writer and I haven't written anything in almost... I don't want to say a year, but it's been a while. I kind of sort of still work on my television project episodes, but not really.
I mean I was supposed to be writing this blog as a way of getting myself back to writing more often. I figured if I gave myself something that I had to write that would make me have to write. I also assumed that the stuff that I did write was clever and witty enough for more people to see and want to see more writing from me. When I first started this blog I tried to use everything that was happening around me and and to me and bring it back to what it meant to me as a writer.
As I write this post now, I'm not really writing. I'm using my cellphone to dictate my thoughts to this blog. In all actuality dictating my thoughts to the blog seems very hard compared to just writing. But, that's the problem I am having, I think I'm just being lazy. I have this theory that the reason why I'm not as successful as I need to be is because God is punishing me for not putting in the work. Even with that said, I still don't put the work in like I should when it comes to writing.
The funny thing is when I first got on the internet via WebTV, I was distracted by, shall we say chat rooms. My girlfriend, well my wife now, helped me put an end to that. But, after that, I was actually doing what I was supposed to do as far as getting my writing together. I managed to finish all but two of the scripts that I had written since I began writing all of those many years ago.
I was actually shopping my scripts, entering contests, trying to get representation, you know, marketing myself . All of the things that writers should be trying to do. A couple of times it even looked like I was close to representation or better yet, an option. But, it never materialized. Then I discovered online poker, WhatifSports.com and just plain old being internet lazy. But even when I was doing all that stuff the constant was I was always writing. I can remember days sitting at my desk with my one year old daughter in my lap on my WebTV, marketing my scripts and posting on my screenwriter site. And here we are now, my formerly one year old daughter is now a freshman in high school. But unfortunately, I am NOT where I should be as a writer.
The other day, I was watching Back to the Future II and it depressed the hell out of me. The original Back to the Future came out in 1985, and at the end of the movie when Emmett Brown came back to take Marty McFly into the future two save his kids that future seemed like a long time away. That faraway future is only two years away!
When I first started writing and I mapped out my future as a writer I was retired by now. I was supposed to be a reclusive Director by now. Unfortunately, I am NOT. I sit here lamenting my mistakes. They are my mistakes and I own up to them, unless of course,  I can't right as well as I think I can. That would at least be a relief, but I simply no it's not true.
I Am a Writer!